As a social work student and somebody who is absolutely fascinated by psychology, I find that I am especially prone to notice cycles of behavior within individuals, families, and society in general. For example, in my own life, I see myself falling into the same patterns of sin over and over again. In families there can be cycles of alcoholism, divorce, abuse, etc. In society in general, we are constantly hearing of the "cycle of poverty," as well as cycles of crime, and others as well. Once a cycle has started, it seems to be nearly impossible to break, because there are often elements in our environments or even in our genetic makeup that trigger the cycle to continue.
This is so stinking frustrating.
I have recently gotten the opportunity to get a glimpse into some cycles in my own family that seem to have gone on for many years and are just now coming out into the open. These cycles have created broken relationships and much pain, but because they have been brought into the light, my family is on their way to restoration.
The cycle is breaking.
We see this in the Bible as well. Adam and Eve ate fruit from the tree that they were forbidden to eat from; thus bringing sin into being. Then they had kids that were "made in their own likeness," (Genesis 5:3) which means that they were sinners, too. Romans 5:12 says, "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, in this way death came to all men, because all sinned..." Just like that, the cycle of sin and death begun. Just one fruit from that one tree started this cycle that would last for generations upon generations.
But then Jesus came and broke it.
Romans 5:18 says, "Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also was the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men." After Adam and before Jesus, sin created an impenetrable barrier between us and God. But now that Jesus has died for His sin-cycle-bound children, the cycle has been broken, the barrier has been lifted, and our relationship with God has been restored.
For those of us who are in Christ, we are FREE from this cycle of sin and death. How can we live and think differently in light of this truth?
For me, I will remember Romans 8:1 that tells us, "there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus." I will live as a new creation, because my old self - stuck in a death trap - was crucified on a tree with my sweet Savior (Romans 6:6-7). I will live as one who is not bound to the sin that life in Adam once offered me, but rather I will be bound only to the freedom that the Lord provides through faith in Him.
I urge you to think of some ways of your own that will remind you of how Jesus was able to break this cycle. It is beautiful and it means FREEDOM
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